Unthink - Chris Paley
'Why you don't think the way you think you think' these words almost made me think that who ever wrote em is definitely high. I must warn you reading this book also gives a similar feeling.
Though I wasn't convinced with most of the stuff dealt in the book especially parts where he tries to explain unconscious and conscious mind games and vouches that it always happens 'his way'. But there are some amazing one liner statements which I loved and I thought it should be shared. Each one liner has a story to unfold.. Any case this is no book review..
Though I wasn't convinced with most of the stuff dealt in the book especially parts where he tries to explain unconscious and conscious mind games and vouches that it always happens 'his way'. But there are some amazing one liner statements which I loved and I thought it should be shared. Each one liner has a story to unfold.. Any case this is no book review..
Thought alone cannot tell us what thought
is for
We can only understand
ourselves through experiments on other people.
Imitation is sincerest
form of flattery.
We live through
metaphors and metaphors live through us.
Remembering something
doesn’t mean it happened.
We like things more the
more we see them.
We do what we imagine
others do.
Finding a rational
justification for moral decisions isn’t easy.
Our moral decisions are
primarily emotional decisions.
Moral reasoning is for
defending choices not making them.
We make better lawyers
than judges
When something’s really
bad, we have to blame someone, even if it’s the victim.
We re-use the tools
that are lying around in the brain rather than invent new ones.
People who don’t
believe in free will choose to be bad.
We have an emotional
attachment to the rational nature of our irrational choices.
Art and philosophy are
how we think about things that haven’t yet become a science.
Most people put more
time into learning things than understanding how their minds work.
The unconscious does what the conscious
thinks the conscious does
We don’t need to be
conscious to do the things we are conscious of.
The way we think of
learning is due to the way we are taught rather than the way we learn.
Our unconscious can
read and it is taught to understand value of money.
The unconscious rules
and it determines the way we behave.
If the brain is a
library, the mind is a lazy reader.
Your hand’s eye is more
accurate than your mind’s eye.
You might think it’s what’s inside that
count. But your brain constructs inside from the inside from the outside,
whether you’re looking at someone else – or yourself.
We don’t choose
something because we like it, we like it because we choose it.
You invent the method
used to solve a problem after you’ve solved the problem.
We believe we want to
do what we are doing, otherwise how would we explain to others why we are doing
Culture is possible
because we do what others do and believe we want to do what we do.
We can see without
being conscious of seeing, but we can only explain what we see with
Arguments are used for
defending choices, not making them.
Minds don’t exist, but they are still
To understand
ourselves, we have to understand how we understand other people.
To make predictions
about other people, we need to model them. We don’t know how we or other people
work; we can only model minds.
A model doesn’t have to
be right to be useful.
Animals can behave
socially without knowing anything about minds.
Once we’ve mastered a
skill it is the decision to use this skill rather than the mechanical details
that are interesting.
We are aware about
conflicts because they are interesting.
Getting ourselves right
is harder – and less important – than getting other people right.
Minds are hard to study
because we have them.
Consciousness is to the
brain what a PR agent is to a company. And it is for understanding other
people, not ourselves.
Consciousness is only one of many
advisers in the brain, and it can be made more or less influential
Consciousness is just
one adviser in the brain, and it doesn’t the strongest one.
Exercise strengthens
your mental muscles as well as your physical muscles.
If we look after our
brain it will allow us to do more of what we want to do.
Knowing that you are
trapped in an illusion doesn’t help you to escape.
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